A documentary produced for the FreedomFilmFest 2011, an annual human rights film festival in Malaysia organised by KOMAS(komas.org)
Bagi kebanyakkan Orang Asli, identiti mereka ada hubungkait yang kuat dengan tanah dan hutan. Tapi bagaimana pula dengan Orang Asli yang hidup di laut? Dokumentari ini menyelami kehidupan Orang Asli Seletar yang sudah turun temurun menganggap Selat Johor sebagai "rumah" mereka.
For most Indigenous People, the land and forest is tied up with their identity. But what if your indigenous identity is not tied up to the land but rather to the sea? This documentary gives us a peek into the lesser known lives of the Indigenous Orang Seletar who have for generations called the Straits of Johor their home.
每当我们提起原住民,我们就会想起他们是一群生活在内陆 森林的人们,他们的生活与内陆森林息息相关,无法切割。
这纪录片将会带领大家走进“实里达原住民”的生活,一群 世世代代生活于柔佛海峡,以海为家的海原住民。
Director: Liaw Pey Wen
Duration: 22 mins
Produced by : KOMAS
Year of production: 2011
For more infirmation: http://freedomfilmfest.komas.org
Bagi kebanyakkan Orang Asli, identiti mereka ada hubungkait yang kuat dengan tanah dan hutan. Tapi bagaimana pula dengan Orang Asli yang hidup di laut? Dokumentari ini menyelami kehidupan Orang Asli Seletar yang sudah turun temurun menganggap Selat Johor sebagai "rumah" mereka.
For most Indigenous People, the land and forest is tied up with their identity. But what if your indigenous identity is not tied up to the land but rather to the sea? This documentary gives us a peek into the lesser known lives of the Indigenous Orang Seletar who have for generations called the Straits of Johor their home.
Director: Liaw Pey Wen
Duration: 22 mins
Produced by : KOMAS
Year of production: 2011
For more infirmation: http://freedomfilmfest.komas.org